Poedit plugin wordpress
Poedit plugin wordpress

Go into that directory, then in the tools directory, then in the i18n directory. (Note: If you are a git user, you can make a clone of git:/// instead.) You may not need all of these tools, but there is one that you do need. This will get you a copy of the WordPress trunk directory, and the special tools developers need with it. This has the advantages of a) not needing you to do anything special in poedit and b) getting everything that is possible for translation, including headers and non-standard translation string calls (not everything is _ and _e). Instead of using poedit to generate your translation strings from your code, use the WordPress i18n tools to generate a POT file for you. So my guess is I'm doing something wrong in my WP files. But if I put this on my website and change WordPress it's language it doesn't change anything. po file, it does show me strings in POedit. Is anyone seeing where it's going wrong here? I tell poedit to look for the keywords _() and _e().Īnd then I press ok! Every single time (whatever I seem to try) It doesn't show me any strings to translate, where as I import a normal. admin or admin (if I give it /admin, or something else, it gives me an error the folder doesn't exist. I tell poedit to save the myplugin-nl_NL.po in the languages folder in my plugin.Īnd I tell my paths to be either. Then I adjust all strings that need translation in my file (which is in the admin folder).

poedit plugin wordpress

Load_plugin_textdomain( 'myplugin', false, dirname( plugin_basename( _FILE_ ) ). So in myplugin.php I load the following to tell WP where my language files are (after actually creating the folder). So let's do this step by step as multiple tutorials show me to. I don't know what is going wrong, but it's bugging out on me when I try to load it in Poedit. I want to start making it localization ready. I'm building a plug-in which is going great so far.

Poedit plugin wordpress